Thursday, April 29, 2010

the Gentle Giant Pyper

Once upon a time there was a kind Gentle Giant. He had curly blond hair and blue eues that sined like the moonlight. He is tall and fat he is happy and always has a smile on his face. He is wrenkerly and his nose was sharpe he has a puple t shart and blue on a cloud in a house. He was nice and had lots of little friends. The Gentle Giant had built a big sandpit and had lots of trucks and diggers to play with, in it. When his friends came to play they would play in the sandpit and make lots of things.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your description your giants curly blonde hair and blue eyes shining like the moonlight. Could you describe your giants house so that I can imagine what it looks like and how the children get to the cloud.


wow Brandon, it is so nice to see your work online.